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Our Practice Areas
At the end of day, this mantra is the core value of our work at Treveri Law. Protecting those we love means that every document we prepare, every meeting we have and every client we agree to work with understands that Estate Planning is a process with multiple phases which are considered independent of each other.
First, in Phase I, we have a detailed systematic approach to get the legal, financial, tax and personal life in order and documented before we even establish the legal framework. We then draft comprehensive documents to create contingency plans and 'safety nets' for named beneficiaries including spouses. During the execution of the documents, we take the time to educate our clients on the tax and estate planning tools available to them in case of unexpected events.
In Phase II, we offer our services to help our clients maintain their plans by making sure assets continue to be titled correctly, that nominated agents are still able to serve and that beneficiary circumstances have not changed. In Phase III and IV (if our client is a married couple), the triggering event - be it disability, death, divorce or a significant financial or catastrophic circumstance occurs, legal documents need to be updated for that assets are correctly retitled, beneficiaries are renamed and new fiduciaries are nominated.
Thus, while Estate planning may be just producing legal documents with some other firms, at Treveri Law, we understand that at the end of the day, our work impacts not only our clients but their families and even generations to come.

Whom will you PROTECT?

Our philosophy towards personal and family estate planning has always been to provide relationship based-services to our clients. We believe that signing legal documents is really the beginning of our journey rather than the end. Because estate planning, even for a single individual, whether young or old, wealthy or not, is a fluid legal process, finding a Trusted Advisor who will provide regular open and honest conversations with the clients and their families and nominated agents and even advisors are a must.
We represent all families and business owners throughout varying stages of life including:
- Two parent families owning property, maybe even small businesses wishing to provide for and protect their children, young adults and future generations;
- Single parents needing to make sure there is a safety net for their children in case something happens to them;
- LGTBQ couples looking to establish incapacity and transfer documents so that when the time comes, probate is avoided and their charities receive their bequests;
- Parents of children with special needs, addiction, divorce or money problems who need to establish ways to protect their assets for their children and to distribute to heirs in ways that will protect them;
- New parents with developing assets who want to prevent their children from a foster-care placement if something happens to them;
- New young Adults who may be leaving home but still need the support network of parents in the case of incapacity;
- Senior citizens (Boomers or the Silent Generation) who deserve our respect and assistance with designing planning documents for dwindling assets and maybe even medicaid guidance;
- Blended families negotiating the challenges of creating new relationships while being sensitive to and protecting against family discord at the time of an incapacity event or death in the family;
- Older adults looking to get their affairs in order prior to retirement or who may be dealing with a recent medical diagnosis;
- Business Owners needing to establish internal plans in case of the unexpected death, disability, divorce or distress of the owner or partner;
- Probate proceedings for families who did not plan, or for those who did not properly add assets to their trusts
- Trust administration and assistance for appointed family trustees who do not have the background in managing legal and financial assets of a recently departed loved one.